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Diegetic Drums
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Digetic Drums a Nonspecific Drum Library

Diegetic Drums is... a drum music library. The drum rhythms are original, for licensed use in film, television and other screen media. They are suitable for genres such as science fiction, fantasy, alternate reality or ancient times where historical accuracy is unknown.

Diegetic Drums is... focused on the emotion required in the moment of the narrative and not intended to be culturally specific. For example, the 18 playable rhythms are represented by a specific key word or emotion.

Diegetic Drums is... professionally constructed for use in modern post production workflows and contains the following feature set:

The complete list of keywords are categorized across 6 volumes, all of which can be auditioned on YouTube. Disco links are also available.

  • 1-01 Spritely
  • 1-02 Bombastic
  • 1-03 Imperious
  • 1-04 Imperative
  • 1-05 Pendulous
  • 1-06 Frenetic
  • 1-07 More Frenetic
  • 1-08 Shuffling
  • 1-09 Stompy
  • 1-10 Determined
  • 1-11 Clamourous
  • 1-12 Swingly
  • 1-13 Persistent
  • 1-14 Insistant
  • 1-15 Pressing
  • 1-16 Assertive
  • 1-17 Less Urgent
  • 1-18 More Urgent
  • 1-19 Perseverance
  • 1-20 Incessant
  • 1-21 More Incessant
  • 1-22 Emphatic
  • 1-23 Dogged
  • 1-24 Relentless
  • Audition this volume on YouTube

  • 2-01 Confident
  • 2-02 Lumbering
  • 2-03 Lolloping
  • 2-04 Slow Swing
  • 2-05 Swagger
  • 2-06 Shimmy
  • 2-07 Chipper
  • 2-08 Assured
  • 2-09 Flounce
  • 2-10 Sashay
  • 2-11 Sinuous
  • 2-12 Waltzing
  • 2-13 Halting
  • 2-14 Playful
  • 2-15 Saunter
  • 2-16 Steadfast
  • Audition this volume on YouTube

  • 3-01 Harmonic Hymn
  • 3-02 Voxcelerate
  • 3-03 Vocadrone
  • 3-04 Ceremony
  • 3-05 Ceremonial Drum Only
  • 3-06 Heartbeat Slow
  • 3-07 Heartbeat Fast
  • 3-08 Single Drum Slow
  • 3-09 Single Drum Fast
  • 3-10 Swing Drum
  • 3-11 Solemnity
  • 3-12 Venerable
  • 3-13 Venerable w. Flurry
  • 3-14 Times Up
  • 3-15 Labourius
  • 3-16 Labourius Shaker Shimmer
  • 3-17 Anticipate in 6/8
  • 3-18 Anticipate in 6/8 Flurry
  • 3-19 Fervent
  • Audition this volume on YouTube

  • 4-01 Martyrdom
  • 4-02 Offering
  • 4-03 Good Riddance
  • 4-04 Doom
  • 4-05 Doom Sped Up
  • 4-06 Inevitability
  • 4-07 Drum-scalate
  • 4-08 Curtains
  • 4-09 Termination
  • 4-10 Simple Sacrifice 6/4
  • 4-11 Simple Sacrifice 6/8
  • 4-12 Simple Sacrifice 3/4
  • 4-13 Simple Sacrifice 4/4A
  • 4-14 Simple Sacrifice 4/4B
  • 4-15 Simple Sacrifice 4/4C
  • Audition this volume on YouTube

  • 5-01 Anticipation
  • 5-02 Clumsy
  • 5-03 Barrage
  • 5-04 Attack
  • 5-05 Bombardment
  • 5-06 Advance
  • 5-07 Forfeit
  • 5-08 Surrender
  • 5-09 Stratagem
  • 5-10 Siege
  • 5-11 Urgency
  • 5-12 Standoff
  • 5-13 Marching
  • 5-14 Victorious
  • 5-15 Procession Loss
  • 5-16 Procession Parlay
  • 5-17 Procession Gathering
  • 5-18 Procession Eager
  • Audition this volume on YouTube

  • 6-01 Aristocracy
  • 6-02 Decree
  • 6-03 Regal
  • 6-04 On The Move
  • 6-05 Cheerful
  • 6-06 Warbringer
  • 6-07 Jubilation
  • 6-08 Triumphant
  • 6-09 Triumphant Faster
  • 6-10 Triumphant Punctuation
  • 6-11 Complexity
  • 6-12 Stomp
  • 6-13 Formidable Flurry
  • Audition this volume on YouTube

© ℗ 2013-2024 Yuri Gorbachow / Aesthetic Corporation - All rights reserved.

Contact us for Licensing

Drum, SoloDrums, Solo Drums, Drumming, Tribal, TribalDrums, Tribal Drums, TribalDrumming, Tribal Drumming, World Drums, WorldDrums, WorldDrumming, World Drumming, AcousticDrums, Acoustic Drums, AcousticDrumming, Acoustic Drumming, RhythmicDrums, RhythmicDrumming, Beat, DiegeticDrums, SourceMusicForFilmandTV, SourceMusicforFilm, SourceMusicforTV, Source Music For Film and TV, PeriodFilm, Period Film, PeriodTV, Period TV, PeriodDrama, Period Drama, FantasyFilm, Fantasy Film, FantasyTV, Fantasy TV